South Dakota Physical Therapist Salary

This page provides you with a complete overview of the Physical Therapy field in the state of South Dakota. Here you will find statistics on salaries, careers, jobs and best cities hiring a Physical Therapist and more.

Average Salary of South Dakota Physical Therapists

According to, a Physical Therapist in South Dakota saw a experience a large number of companies posting over 501 jobs. The types of jobs posted ranged from Full-time, Part-time, Contract, Temporary, Commission, and Internship while the most common level of experience required for a Physical Therapist in South Dakota job was Mid Level.

In USD as of September 26, 2016 55k 110k 165k
South Dakota Physical Therapist $67,000 Bar high

Average Physical Therapist salaries for job postings in South Dakota are 25% lower than average Physical Therapist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Interim HealthCare, Sanford Health, Advanced Travel Therapy, Aureus Medical Group, and LifeScape offering Full-time, Part-time, Contract, Temporary, Commission, and Internship with Mid Level and Entry Level required.

Additional Salaries of Physical Therapists

In this section explore additional details on common types of physical therapy jobs:

  1. Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapist
  2. Geriatric Physical Therapist
  3. Neurological Physical Therapist
  4. Orthopedic Physical Therapist
  5. Outpatient Physical Therapist
  6. Pediatric Physical Therapist
  7. Physical Therapist
  8. Sports Physical Therapist
  9. Staff Physical Therapist
  10. Vestibular Physical Therapist
  11. Wound Care Physical Therapist

Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapist
In USD as of September 20, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapist $46,000 Bar high

Average Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapist salaries for job postings in South Dakota are 25% lower than average Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Regional Health offering Full-time with Entry Level required.

Geriatric Physical Therapist
In USD as of September 20, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Geriatric Physical Therapist $62,000 Bar high

Average Geriatric Physical Therapist salaries for job postings in South Dakota are 25% lower than average Geriatric Physical Therapist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were McCall & Lee, LLC, Regional Health, Advanced Travel Therapy, Aureus Medical Group, and Infinity MedStaff offering Full-time, Part-time, Temporary, and Contract with Entry Level and Mid Level required.

Neurological Physical Therapist
In USD as of September 20, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Neurological Physical Therapist $59,000 Bar high

Average Neurological Physical Therapist salaries for job postings in South Dakota are 25% lower than average Neurological Physical Therapist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Sanford Health offering Full-time and Part-time with Entry Level required.

Orthopedic Physical Therapist
In USD as of September 20, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Orthopedic Physical Therapist $61,000 Bar high

Average Orthopedic Physical Therapist salaries for job postings in South Dakota are 25% lower than average Orthopedic Physical Therapist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Regional Health, Sanford Health, TherapyTravelers, McCall & Lee, LLC, and Blue Royal offering Full-time, Part-time, and Contract with Entry Level and Mid Level required.

Outpatient Physical Therapist
In USD as of September 20, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Outpatient Physical Therapist $67,000 Bar high

Average Outpatient Physical Therapist salaries for job postings in South Dakota are 25% lower than average Outpatient Physical Therapist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Regional Health, Aureus Medical Group, Sanford Health, MBS Healthcare, and McCall & Lee, LLC offering Full-time, Part-time, and Contract with Entry Level and Mid Level required.

Pediatric Physical Therapist
In USD as of September 20, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Pediatric Physical Therapist $67,000 Bar high

Average Pediatric Physical Therapist salaries for job postings in South Dakota are 25% lower than average Pediatric Physical Therapist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were LifeScape, Regional Health, Sanford Health, McCall & Lee, LLC, and Avera Health offering Full-time and Part-time with Entry Level required.

Physical Therapist
In USD as of September 20, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Physical Therapist $67,000 Bar high

Average Physical Therapist salaries for job postings in South Dakota are 25% lower than average Physical Therapist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Interim HealthCare, Sanford Health, Advanced Travel Therapy, Aureus Medical Group, and LifeScape offering Full-time, Part-time, Contract, Temporary, Commission, and Internship with Mid Level and Entry Level required.

Sports Physical Therapist
In USD as of September 20, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Sports Physical Therapist $67,000 Bar high

Average Sports Physical Therapist salaries for job postings in South Dakota are 25% lower than average Sports Physical Therapist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were offering with required.

Staff Physical Therapist
In USD as of September 20, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Staff Physical Therapist $64,000 Bar high

Average Staff Physical Therapist salaries for job postings in South Dakota are 25% lower than average Staff Physical Therapist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Aegis Therapies, LifeScape, Sanford Health, TherapyTravelers, and Aureus Medical Group offering Full-time, Part-time, and Contract with Entry Level and Mid Level required.

Vestibular Physical Therapist
In USD as of September 20, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Vestibular Physical Therapist $58,000 Bar high

Average Vestibular Physical Therapist salaries for job postings in South Dakota are 25% lower than average Vestibular Physical Therapist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were offering with required.

Wound Care Physical Therapist
In USD as of September 20, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Wound Care Physical Therapist $63,000 Bar high

Average Wound Care Physical Therapist salaries for job postings in South Dakota are 25% lower than average Wound Care Physical Therapist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Regional Health offering Full-time with Entry Level required.

Top Employers of South Dakota Physical Therapist’s

According to, there were approximately 161 jobs for a South Dakota Physical Therapist with most employers looking for Mid Level and Entry Level candidates.

Company # Jobs Available*
McCall & Lee, LLC 22 jobs
Aegis Therapies 14 jobs
TherapyTravelers 13 jobs
Regional Health 11 jobs
Interim HealthCare 8 jobs
Sanford Health 8 jobs
Advanced Travel Therapy 7 jobs
Aureus Medical Group 5 jobs
LifeScape 4 jobs
Avera Health 3 jobs
MBS Healthcare 2 jobs
Supplemental Health Care 2 jobs
State Home Care Services Inc 2 jobs
Preferred Healthcare 1 job
Blue Royal 1 job

Top Cities with the Most Job Openings

According to, there were a total of 161 Physical Therapist jobs in South Dakota.

City # Jobs Available*
Rapid City, SD 25 jobs
Sioux Falls, SD 20 jobs
Aberdeen, SD 13 jobs
Huron, SD 9 jobs
Spearfish, SD 7 jobs
Watertown, SD 7 jobs
Pierre, SD 5 jobs
Sisseton, SD 5 jobs
Rosebud, SD 3 jobs
Dell Rapids, SD 3 jobs
Garretson, SD 2 jobs
Mitchell, SD 2 jobs
Winner, SD 2 jobs
Vermillion, SD 2 jobs

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*Indicates number of job postings as of September, 2016.

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Written by Robert Sanchez
Robert Sanchez is's Chief Editorialist. Robert Sanchez has over 10 years experience in the Healthcare field and more recently has become an avid writer advising on career and job topics in this exciting field.

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